The music that marked my life

 The music is a very important element of my life, every moment when I listen any song this situation transform in magic.

Just think in one band my mind turns full of expamples. When I was a kid and going to the shcool the travel was very long and. I remember the trip in the Metro Tren, 45 minutes of journey and the headphones in the ear.

The spanish group “Extremoduro” marked my adolescense with their transgresive-rock songs. The letters of their song taken a big significated of my, I listen this music now and mi emotions turns completed crazy. If I had to rememeber a song to give an example I would say “La vereda de la puerta de atrás”, this song contain a very deep meaning and when I listen this my skin gets goose bumps. 

More here in the time, my musical tastes has expanded a little bit. I started to listen any tipes of music, reggaeton, trap, rock, etc, but the style of music that produced the most emotions in me it was reggae. I associate the reggae whit a climbing trip I did with my brother. We were literally high jajaja. The most apropriate group and which we listened to throughout the trip was “Cultura Profética”.

And finally, I wanted to make a mention to the “Los Delinquentes”. A spanish group like a “Extremoduro” but the music of “Los Delinquentes” is more autochthonous of the region.  


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