Ball head jaja

 In the world the number of persons considerated famous is high. Its maybe because this person is a celebrity of Hollywood, or a noted athlete, or a know singer, etc. The sports it is a very important element of my life, I love the emotions what the sports transmitted to me, in special the soccer.

Im a big fan of the soccer, I like to be informed of all news relationated to soccer and the mains characters of this news are the football players. That is why most of the famous people that I would like to meet are soccer players.

I would like to start with for some peoples the best player of all times. At least it has been the best that I have seen personally, I talking about Lionel Andres Messi Cuccittini. Messi is an example not only for children it is for adults too. His  modesty, his effort, his natural talent are his greatest virtues. I know that meeting him is the dream of many people but if gave me a wish   I would ask to meet Don Lionel Messi.

Another person I would like to meet is Marcelo Bielsa. He is a ex  soccer player and actual  trainer of Leeds Fc of England. Bielsa is a person who marked an era in chilean soccer. He was the one who changed our negative mentality and instilled in us a warrior and positive mentality.


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