My dream job


The job of my dreams and to which I would like to dedicate myself for the rest of my life is sports journalism. Since I was little, sports and soccer caught my attention, which is why I would like to work in that specialty of journalism.

I would like to work as a press correspondent abroad and thus know many countries and be able to expand my knowledge. I imagine my work outdoors, next to the soccer fields reporting live to important channels. If I had to start working in an office, I would not get angry because it starts with something.

One sport journalism activity that catches my attention is when they send you to cover sporting events, such as the World Cup, the Champions League, the Copa Libertadores, etc. Those who carry out this activity are the press correspondents.

Another essential factor to be a correspondent is working for a good company, sometimes working in more than one company to take advantage of your stay in the country you are in. These mean that your notes, chronicles, interviews, will appear in different media.


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